Through working together as a church, and by connecting with folk locally, our small church was able to partner with Robes to help run the Winter Nightshelter - perhaps there are other projects that we can work with others on to bring and be good news? One of these might be the 'Communities for Afghans' programme.
In response to humanitarian crisis and increased need, the 'Communities for Afghans' programme is a partnership between Citizens UK and the British Government to build a community led pathway for families fleeing Afghanistan to be supported to settle into our communities.
'Communities for Afghans' are looking for people who are ready to play a significant role in this programme over the next two years, which will include:
1. Recruiting a small team of at least 6 people committed to offering a warm welcome to an Afghan refugee family in your community for the next two years;
2. Helping to identify and secure a property to house the family (it needs to have its own front door and be of good quality);
3. Supporting the family to access benefits and public services, and move towards sustainable employment.
You can find out more here: Communities for Afghans
There will also be information evenings on the following dates:
Weds 12th Feb, 16.30-17.30
Tues 25th Feb, 15.00-16.00
Mon 10th March, 17.30-18.30
Get more information and register here: Information Evenings for an online event. We are thinking of having an in-person event at Amott Road, get in touch if you would be interested in coming along!